AME Athlete Highlight

July 19, 2021

Meet Katie!

Katie jumped headfirst into the sport of triathlon in 2017, since then she has completed several triathlons, including Atlantic City Triathlon, Escape the Cape and Tri the Wildwoods! However, her endurance sport journey began much earlier. Since 2007, she has completed numerous running events, including the Captain Bill Gallagher 10 Mile Island Run, Philadelphia Half & Full Marathon and Broad Street 10 Miler.

Katie’s goals for this season are to improve her power, strength, endurance and speed to earn some PR’s in her calendar of events this year. Since joining the AME Team in April, she has made progress in each of these areas and experienced excellent growth! She has dropped 4% off her swim threshold pace, seen a 34% improvement in her bike threshold speed and dropped 27 seconds PER MILE off her 5k time! She has now also seen her hard work pay off in her first and most recent event of the season, Lake Lenape Sprint Triathlon. Here, she earned 2nd overall female and 7th place overall!

Katie has superior drive and perseverance, she entered this season ready to roll after just having a baby last year! She has a beautiful family with her husband and two small children. She loves to help in her church family and has also recently taken up learning how to surf! For next year, she has her sights set on long course events.

We are THRILLED Katie chose AME to share in her journey!

Q & A with Katie

What got you into triathlon and endurance events?

I ran a marathon and half marathons in my twenties. I really enjoyed participating in endurance running events, but to be honest they got a little boring.  I love all outdoor fitness activities and trying new things so my friend suggested doing triathlons. It wasn't until I got into my thirties and had my first kid that I began looking for a challenge to get myself back into shape. I put triathlons on my 2017 goal list and completed my first one that summer. Then obviously, I was hooked! I wish I had gotten into them sooner!

What is your favorite event and why?

My favorite event so far is the Atlantic City Triathlon. I love the course (it's very beginner friendly!) and the energy and passion of the crew that organizes it. It's well run, organized, and there's great communication which helps me feel less anxious. And it's by the beach so who doesn't love that?!

What about triathlon and endurance sport brings you the most joy?

I love what these events draw out of me! They make me realize that I am physically and mentally capable of doing so much more than I imagined. I love the energy and excitement I feel in the air. I love my fellow triathletes who are always so friendly, fun, helpful, and uplifting. When I'm competing, I am truly in the moment, me against my mind and body, feeling all of the strength I possess. The after-race endorphin rush is the best! It brings me joy to know that my mind and body can accomplish difficult things, and that I am investing in my long-term health.  I take pride in knowing that my children are watching how I take care of myself and I hope it rubs off on them!

If you could choose anyone to do a triathlon with, who would it be?

My 6 year old son, Luke. He's my little buddy and seems so fascinated in what I do. We made a goal to do our first triathlon together next summer, so that we'll have this year to practice! There's nothing more that I'd love than to cross a finish line with my son!  

Pick your pain, forgetting your cycling shoes and having to wear running shoes on the bike in an Olympic tri or forgetting your goggles for the swim in a sprint tri?

I'd so much rather forget my swim goggles for a sprint swim. I know my swim time wouldn't be as great, but since I beach lifeguarded for so long I'm accustomed to swimming in open water without goggles on. At least it would be over quicker than the bike! I feel like completing an Olympic Bike with running sneakers would be painful and take forever!

What is your favorite part of training?

The alone time! I love giving myself time to be alone and do something I love to help clear my mind and help me feel good. I know taking care of myself (physically, mentally, & spiritually) helps me to be a better person so I make it a priority. It's hard to do that with the noise of everyday life, so I need to carve out the alone time to decompress. Training for these events gives me motivation and accountability to take care of my health every day.

What is one thing you want people to know about you?  

If anyone wants to do any crazy location triathlons, I'm down! I love to travel and make new friends. I'd LOVE to do the Escape from Alcatraz triathlon one day!

Let's Get Started!
I have the education, experience, passion and energy to help you accomplish your dreams.
Philippians 4:13
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.